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Mosaics are images created by glueing or embedding smaller materials to a surface. They may be made on a variety of surfaces called substrate, and incorporate different medium – glass, stone, terracotta etc. They are suitable for indoor or outdoors and are an enduring art form with endless possibilities, from small pendants to stepping stones and wall mosaics.


Falling Leaves – Glass on Acrylic

Tutor: Kym Braithwaite

This two-day weekend workshop is perfect as a gentle introduction to the incredibly addictive world of mosaic. Use an extensive range of coloured art glass to create your own unique interpretation of a leaf in whichever seasonal change you prefer.

Day 1: You will learn how to use tile nippers to shape glass to fit into any space, creating the illusion of blending.

Day 2: The finished leaves will be grouted for displaying inside or out.

This workshop lends itself to further opportunity to develop new skills by learning how to score and break glass allowing students to further their creative experience.

Numbers: Minimum 6, Maximum 12

Prerequisite: No prior experience required. Suitable for beginners.

For further information on upcoming courses, including cost and to enrol:

MW1: Falling Leaves – Glass on Acrylic Mosaics Saturday 22 June (9:00am-4:00pm) and Sunday 23 June (9:00am-12:00pm)

MW2: Falling Leaves – Glass on Acrylic Mosaics Saturday 27 July, (9:00am-4:00pm) and Sunday 28 July (9:00am-12:00pm)


Mosaic Madness for Mosaicing Members

With the departure of our loved tutor, Catherine, there currently is no single person to fill her place and offer intermediate tutoring in mosaics. In the interim, two get-togethers are mooted for “mosaicing” members who have completed a Guild Beginners Mosaic course to share their glass mosaic experiences – their successes and challenges – and to help others who are less experienced. These will be held on Monday evenings and Thursday mornings.

This group will be the place to seek advice or impart tips and information with others who mosaic. Bring your mosaic projects to work on and join in the fun.  While the focus is on creativity, laughter and fun, be prepared to share the workload including opening / closing, cleaning up and providing shop facilities if able.

Prerequisite: Guild membership and completion of Beginners Mosaics course, or, proficiency in glass scoring / cutting, substrate and adhesives knowledge.

Cost: No charge – materials are not included.

Members: Until we gather momentum and decide if booking is required, check our website calendar to see if any Monday or Thursday session is not being held.


Smalti 101

Tutor: Tani Bates

Complete two 15 by 15cm mosaic using glass Smalti and fused glass intrusions for piece 1 and colour gradents in piece 2. Suitable for beginners and those who already have established skills. Learn substrate preparation, cutting and shaping smalti, keystoning, basic andamento and fundamentals of background work using negative space technique. You should comfortably finish two pieces in the workshop. If not, smalti is supplied to complete your piece at home.

Numbers: Minimum 5, Maximum 8

Prerequisite: No experience necessary.

Weekend: Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (2 days)

Cost: $310.00 – includes smalti, substrate, tints and adhesives

Interested in this course? 

2024 courses are being planned for later this year. If interested, let us know at Don’t forget to check the “Course-related Question” button and tell us the course name – Smalti Mosaics

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